Master Your Emotions: The Guide to Anger Management Classes

Ever felt so angry to the point where your actions caused more troubles? What does it mean to undergo court-ordered anger management classes? Is it...

如何帮助父母减轻老年抑郁和焦虑 How to Help Older Parents Reduce Anxiety and Depression

如何帮助父母减轻老年抑郁和焦虑 随着父母步入老年,您是否注意到他们最近变得更加沉默寡言?经常紧张焦虑、担心害怕?对以前爱好做的事情也失去了兴趣?经常表现出烦躁不安?这些可能是老年抑郁或焦虑的迹象。了解这些症状并知道如何帮助父母,可以直接影响到父母的身体健康和心理健康。 了解老年抑郁和焦虑...
exercise and mental health

10 Steps to Embrace Single Life after a Breakup

A breakup is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences we can go through in life. How to heal after a breakup? Navigating the turbulent...

Tips to Be a Competent LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapist

LGBTQ+ affirming therapist...

Strategies to Cope with Social Anxiety at Work

  Having social anxiety at work? Living with social anxiety can cause additional stress in your daily life. You may feel apprehensive about being...
self-esteem therapy

The Link Between Regular Exercise and Mental Health

As we all know, exercise can improve our physical health, such as maintain a healthy weight and reduce risk of chronic disease. There is also a strong...
prioritize your mental health

How to Prioritize Your Mental Health in an Uncertain Economy

How to Prioritize Your Mental Health in an Uncertain Economy During times of economic uncertainty, such as the current recession, it is hard not to...
empty nest syndrome

How to Deal With Empty Nest Syndrome

Did your child leave for college or move out? Finding it hard to deal with empty nest syndrome? Like other parents, your life has probably revolved...

电视讨论- 爱情来敲门,家长准备好了没?



曹君鸿博士受邀,作为华尔街电视的心理专家,讨论LGBTQ性少数群体与父母之间出柜come out,以及相互沟通和理解。...

电视讨论 – 无性婚姻的难言之隐

曹君鸿博士受邀,作为华尔街电视的心理专家,讨论造成无性婚姻的原因、常见婚姻、两性关系问题、和解决问题的思路 Video...


how to cope with work stress


科技大厂裁员的消息不断传来,很多人出现裁员焦虑,担心害怕自己失去工作。特别一些人是家里唯一的顶梁柱,有些仍然是H1B工作签证,还有留学生刚找到实习或工作,还处在OPT期间。所以压力特别大,甚至出现焦虑、失眠、抑郁、不断emo。这里总结几个减轻焦虑的小方法,希望能帮到你。 1...


healing journey

Tips to Navigate Your Healing Journey

Are you on a self healing journey from deep struggles?  Ever wonder whether it is even possible to heal from emotional wounds?  Any things get in the...
temporary relationship


曹君鸿博士受邀,作为华尔街电视的心理专家,讨论美国华人移民中的临时夫妻现象、造成的原因、及其心理影响 Video...
golden child syndrome

How to Deal With Golden Child Syndrome

Have you been considered the golden child your entire life? If so, you may face “golden child syndrome” later in life. Golden child...
how to cope with a bad day at work

How to Cope with a Bad Day at Work

Ever wonder how to reduce work stress? How to deal with burnout at work? or how to get over a bad day at work? If you go to work every day, you know...

How To Move On From An Ex

Are you going through a breakup or end of a relationship? Do you want to move on from an ex and get on with the rest of your life? Ever wonder how to...
overcome burnout and manage stress

Tips for Young People to Overcome Burnout

Burnout effects are hitting young people extremely hard. We live in a society that promotes things like “hustle-culture” and the constant...
pandemic stress

How to Deal with Pandemic Stress During Omicron

We are in the second year of this pandemic. Can you believe that it has been two years since COVID took over our lives and the world? This may be a...
marriage counseling

What Makes a Healthy Relationship

What makes a healthy relationship?  How do couples stay strong after years and years? Are you looking for advice on making your relationship...
Chinese international students

Chinese international students support group留学生心理健康互助小组

Chinese International Students Support Group中国留学生互助小组 Are you a Chinese international student? Attempting to adjust to the U.S. culture, school life...
Sunday Scaries - anxiety of the work week

How To Deal With Sunday Scaries, The Anxiety Of Another Work Week

What is Sunday Scaries Sunday Scaries, also called Sunday blues, Sunday depression, Sunday anxiety, or Sunday night syndrome. It is the dread that...
panic attack

9 Tips To Stop A Panic Attack

Do you find yourself having panic or anxiety attacks often? Is it difficult to ask for help or speak to anyone about panic attacks? Do you avoid...
gaslighting in a relationship

Gaslighting In A Relationship: Signs And Tips To Manage

At some point of our lives, we may all have experienced gaslighting in a relationship. That is, someone may manipulate or brainwash you to question...

From Body Shaming To Eating Disorders从减肥到进食障碍

A4腰、马甲线、筷子腿、锁骨放硬币、反手摸肚脐。社交媒体贩卖的女性身材焦虑(body shaming or weight shaming),真是花样翻新,无所不用其极。结果呢?更多年轻女孩子患上进食障碍(Eating Disorders or Disordered...
how to overcome perfectionism

Understand and Overcome Perfectionism

Do you find yourself criticizing yourself often? You only feel happy when you can complete a task perfectly? Ever feel what you do is never enough? Do...
asian women group

Asian Women Support Each Other

Asian Women Support Group: Women Help Women How doe it feel to be an Asian woman in American society? Have you ever struggled because of your race...

The Best Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Do you find yourself putting off day-to-day tasks? How often do you avoid doing the work that’s on your to-do list? Do you find yourself rushing...
how to deal with shame

Healing Asian Shame Related To COVID

Shame as a harsh self-criticism could lead to mental health issues. How to let go of shame? This article explains 7 strategies...
childhood trauma

Take Good Care Of Your Inner Child 善待内心受伤的小孩


Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety And Depression 用正念冥想减轻焦虑和抑郁

这个视频是一个中文的放松练习,正念冥想(mindfulness meditation)。做一做试试看会不会帮你放松自己。 在日常生活中,我们可能会因为工作劳累而喘不过气;...
see therapist

5 Signs That You May Need To See A Therapist

Mental health is tricky because it is invisible. Deciding to seek therapy does not mean that we are “broken”. Sometimes we just need help — and that’s...
self love

The Beginner’s Guide to Self-Love

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ~Oscar Wilde What is self love anyways? Self love is the act of valuing your own happiness and...

How to Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child

Is your child a highly sensitive person (HSP)? Do you find it  more challenging to adapt your parenting style to attend to their emotional needs?...

Online Therapy Questions and Answers

Online therapy seems to be the norm during this pandemic. How does it work? How to prepare for teletherapy? Here are the answers...
fight depression

How to Fight Depression Without Medication?

When we all have to use self isolation to protect our health during this quarantine time,  depression is reported to occur at a higher rate. What...

How to Improve your Mental Health in 2021

During the incredibly difficulty year 2020, people experience collective trauma, tremendous stress, loss, and grief that significantly contribute to...
depression treatment

8 Tips To Feel Your Emotions

How do you feel your emotions? How to get in touch with your emotions? Little kids express their emotions they way they are. They laugh when they...
sleep problem

How to Treat Insomnia Naturally

Have you had multiple sleepless nights? Ever wondered: Can insomnia kill you? Even if you finally manage to fall asleep, you may shift from...

7 Common Myths about Therapy

In our clinical practice, we receive many questions from people who are interested in psychotherapy. Sometimes mental health stigma continues to...

Being Called A Control Freak? How To Deal With Control Issue?

During this pandemic, the time of uncertainty, stress is accumulating so quickly that sometimes you get anxiety or even panic. To cope with the...

COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely...

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Signs, Causes, And Treatment

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is preoccupation with the belief that your body or appearance are unattractive, ugly, abnormal or deformed. You feel...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

What does PTSD mean?  Signs and Symptoms of PTSD Do I have PTSD? Understanding PTSD  PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is a mental health...

Panic Disorder

Experience of sudden panic symptoms (generally out of the blue, without specific triggers) in combination with persistent, lingering worry that panic...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Repeated and persistent thoughts (“obsessions”) that typically cause distress and that an individual attempts to alleviate by repeatedly performing...

Social Anxiety

Excessive fear of becoming embarrassed or humiliated in social situations, which often leads to significant avoidance behaviors. Significant and...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Excessive, uncontrollable worry over events and activities and potential negative outcomes. Excessive anxiety and worry about a variety of events...

Therapy for Toxic Relationship

A good relationship makes you feel secure, happy, cared for, respected, and free to be yourself; on the contrary, a toxic relationship make...

Therapy for Infidelity

Cheating, whether is emotional infidelity or physical betrayal, goes outside the boundaries of a normal relationship, hurt the other partner’s...

Therapy for Intimacy

Intimacy is not just about sex, it is the needs or desire to let others get close to you or connect with others emotionally, physically, and...

Therapy for Communication

Good communication is the foundation of a strong relationship, and yet communication problems could easily turn a relationship downhill and cause more...

Therapy for Boundary Setting

All healthy relationships have boundaries. Setting boundary could be as small as saying “No” to a birthday party invitation; could be as big as your...

Therapy for Relationship – Codependency

Codependency is also known as “relationship addiction” because codependent people often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally...

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