Self-Esteem Therapy


  • Often tell yourself “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t matter”, or “Nobody likes me”? 
  • Found yourself having a lot of negative interpretation about your self-worth? “My friend did not email me back because I must’ve done something to upset them”, “I did well in this project because it is too easy.”
  • Realized you are a people pleaser? usually you have no boundary? having fear of failure and rejection?
  • Know that you have low self-esteem issue and need self-esteem therapy, but don’t know how to get started? 

What is low self-esteem? Low self-esteem is a persistent sense of inferiority that makes you feel worthless and incompetent in every aspect of your life. It can reduce your quality of life in many different ways, constant self-criticism can lead to depressionanxiety, anger, shame, body image problems, and relationship difficulties.

Dr. June has helped many New Yorkers to learn to appreciate themselves and foster a positive sense of self. Self-esteem therapy assists you to change your self-appraisal and achieve your goal of more self-confidence. 

Warnings and Signs of Low Self-Esteem

What Causes Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem often begins in childhood. When your parents, siblings, teachers, and friends send you negative messages about you, they stay with you. In other words, the concept of your low self-worth became part of your self-belief. 

Warning Signs of Low Self-Esteem

  • Constant self doubt, self criticism, and negative self talk, being overwhelmed with negative thoughts and emotions
  • Feeling unlikeable, unloved. or generally unwanted
  • Apologizing unnecessarily and self sacrificing to please others
  • Avoiding conflicts at all cost, e.g., easily giving in to arguments
  • Taking constructive criticism too personality as an insult and reacting emotionally
  • Having difficulty making simple decisions, indecisive, changing your mind over and over
  • Unable to handle a genuine compliment
  • Lack of confidence and giving up on your goals before you hardly started
  • Constantly comparing yourself with others and feeling incompetent 
  • Feeling afraid to contribute your opinion in conversations
  • Avoiding challenges for fear of failure 
  • Over-sensitive about others’ intention
  • Overcritical about others, trying to control others, and having strong sense of insecurity
  • Being drawn to destructive relationships both romantic and platonic
  • Easily depressed and anxious

How to Build Confidence Through Self-Esteem Therapy

self-esteem therapyWhy is self-esteem important? Obviously, self-esteem issue does not only impact how you feel about yourself, but also affects how you allow others to treat you. Therefore, learning how to improve self-esteem is very important in your life. In addition, self-esteem therapy can help you to develop healthy relationships. Overall, self-esteem therapy helps to build confidence in many ways, including,


  • Explore the root cause of low self esteem; 
  • Learn different skills to reduce negative self-talk;
  • Challenge your negative thoughts and emotions;
  • Focus on your strengths;
  • Improve assertiveness in communication;
  • Take better care of yourself;
  • Connect with people who care about you;
  • Get the support you need.

Self-esteem Therapy

In self-esteem therapy treatment, we help you to build self-confidence and self-esteem through specific activities. For example, positive-affirmations can be an excellent strategy to improve self-acceptance in self-esteem therapy. We discuss treatment plans, utilize counseling techniques. Specifically

self-esteem therapy to build confidence

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for low self-esteem,
  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Group Therapy for Self-Esteem
  • Online Therapy on Teletherapy


Having more questions about self-esteem? We have answers.

How do I know I have low self-esteem in relationships?

As we know, low self-esteem could sabotage relationships, that is, certain relationship issues are actually due to  low self-esteem and could lead to conflicts or even breakup. Specifically, low self-esteem in relationships could look like:

  • difficulty setting boundaries, for example, allowing your partner to treat you the way even if you don’t like it.
  • people pleasing such as prioritizing others’ needs and being overly kind or helpful to make others happy
  • apologizing for things you did not do wrong, like “Sorry I don’t agree with you.”
  • being clinging and needy, or unable to handle things on your own
  • tendency to do more than your share of work. which eventually usually leads to an imbalanced relationship
  • sacrificing yourself or your needs, but feels all resentment after a while.
  • cheating or lying, which is another type of self-sabotaging your relationship
  • codependence in a relationship, or depending on each other too much, and unable to live without each other.

How does therapy help me to improve self-esteem?

It is natural to ask this question: How to overcome low self esteem? Apparently therapy helps you to learn strategies to improve self-esteem. Specifically, therapy helps you to identify the root cause of low self-esteem. In a safe and confidential environment, you can unpack your past and present sources of issues. Besides, you can learn to process or express your thoughts and feelings, such as your childhood trauma, physical or verbal abuse, and experience of being bullied. 

Meanwhile, therapy assists you to recognize those negative thoughts that trigger your low self-esteem. You will learn to reframe them, replace them with thoughts of self-love and self-compassion. Similarly, therapy also helps you to learn how to improve self-esteem in relationships. Ultimately, you can use all tools to remind yourself and take actions to find your self-worth.

Contact us for a free 15-minute phone call. Dr. June and our self-esteem therapists in NYC will assist you to evaluate your needs and find the best match.  We are here with you for a much improved confidence in your journey.  You deserve to find the strength and power in you for a better self.  
