Couples Therapy NYC


  • Have communication problems in relationships? Feeling like every conversation turns into an argument? or trying to avoid conflicts by keeping quiet?
  • Finding you two fall into a power struggle in a relationship?  Getting stuck in an unhealthy relationship, but don’t know how to unstuck it?
  • Feeling anxious and insecure about your relationship?  Having been using work, children, and in-laws to avoid the real issue in your relationship? 
  • Feeling heartbroken when you caught your partner cheating? Decided to stay in your marriage after affairs, but feeling torn and insecure?
  • Having a sexless marriage in separate bedrooms? Feeling like roommates with your partner?
  • Wanting to seek relationship therapy, marriage counseling, or couples therapy, but your partner is just not cooperating?

Does any of these sound familiar? If yes, you are not alone. Many people find that their relationships could hit a bumpy road. Indeed, relationships are not easy. From time to time, every couple could face different relationship issues. Whether you feel you are growing apart, have trust issues, feel insecure, or experience communication problems in your relationship, you hope and deserve to feel happy again. In other words,  a relationship therapist can provide expert help for different relationship issues.

How does Relationship Therapy and Couples Counseling Help you?

relationship therapy / couples counseling

Fortunately, relationship therapy and couples counseling can help you to learn practical skills to strengthen your relationship. Specifically, practice communication skills, establish a foundation of a healthy relationship, and reconnect to feel love and compassion again. In addition, couples therapy and marriage counseling aim to come up with new understanding and awareness. That is, you can recognize and replace harmful relationship patterns with healthier behaviors.

Dr. June strives to work with you or together with your partner as a team. In order to help you to achieve your goals, relationship therapy focuses on identifying the root cause of the relationship issues, as well as learning and practicing skills to improve your relationship. 

What Issues Does Relationship Therapy Help to Cope with

  • Couples therapy for communication issues. Good communication is the foundation of a strong relationship; however, communication problems could easily turn a relationship downhill and cause more stress. Common communication mistakes usually look like tension, constant arguments, fights, and “cold wars”.
  • Infidelity therapy. Cheating, whether is emotional infidelity or physical betrayal, goes outside the boundaries of a normal relationship. Consequently, it hurts the other partner’s feelings and damages the relationship. Surviving an extramarital affair could be very challenging
  • Counseling for toxic relationships. A good relationship makes you feel secure, happy, cared for, respected, and free to be yourself; on the contrary, a toxic relationship makes you feel drained, depleted, and sometimes even distraught. Then how do you know your relationship is toxic? 
  • Codependency Therapy. Codependency is also known as “relationship addiction”. Why? Because codependent people often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive.
  • Therapy for intimacy issues. Intimacy is not just about sex. In fact, it is the need or desire to let others get close to you or connect with others emotionally, physically, and intellectually. 

How does Premarital Counseling Help?

Premarital counseling could be beneficial to all couples who are considering marriage. The ability to provide effective support together with their unbiased opinion makes a couple’s counselor very helpful. The goal is to address premarital counseling questions, such as,

  • identify and address potential areas of conflict in a long-term committed relationship early on
  • teach partners effective strategies for discussing and resolving conflict
  • help partners to better understand their expectations about marriage
  • address significant differences in a safe and neutral environment

What does a Dating Coach Near me do to Help?

relationship therapy - dating coach

The dating world can be overwhelming for anyone. Especially in the metropolitan area of New York City, dating could be really daunting.  You may have been on the dating scene for a while, or may be recently out of a relationship.  Our relationship therapists on Dr. June’s teamwork as dating coaches for men and women to cope with various issues. For instance, 

  • Being too shy to date or approach the person you like;
  • Unable to find a date or a relationship despite use of multiple online dating websites and apps;
  • Still having the baggage of ex, thinking about or talking too much about your ex;
  • Not feeling ready for a relationship;
  • Having no problem getting dates, but having problems staying in a relationship;
  • Having too many choices in the information age and having difficulty making decisions 

How Do I Deal With a Breakup or Divorce?

Ending a committed relationship could be very painful. Although it would be ideal, when the relationship is over, you cannot simply “turn off” your feelings. In reality, the healing process might be longer than you expected.

Whether you’ve been dating for a year or married for 20 years, breaking up is hard to do. It can produce many emotions like sadness, guilt, anger, confusion, inadequacy, fear, and depression. Any emotion that you have is valid during your relationship, nonetheless. A lot of times, your head tells you to move on, but your heart aches and is unable to follow your intellectual guidance. 

Relationship therapy helps you to learn how to initiate a breakup, cope with divorce, manage mental health issues related to a breakup, and better move on with your life.

Dr. June will be a supportive and helpful part of your healing process. The relationship therapists on her team can discuss any emotions or difficulties you experienced and explore ways to cope with negative feelings. Dr. June can help you to address any guilt or self-blame that may be experienced and help a person come to terms with divorce or the end of the relationship.

More questions about relationship therapy or couples counseling?

What if my partner won’t come to marriage counseling with me?

Understandably, it is ideal to work with both partners in couples counseling; however, individual relationship therapy can also help to address marital problems or relationship issues. This way, you can take steps to foster healthy communication with your partner. As your partner starts to see the positive changes in your relationship, they may be more willing to join you. If your partner decides to join couples counseling later, our relationship therapists will schedule an individual appointment so your partner could have the same opportunities as if you had come in together. 

My partner and I are a gay couple in NYC. Do you provide LGBTQ+ friendly relationship therapy?

Absolutely! Our relationship therapists offer pride counseling and LGBTQ+ affirming couples therapy. We understand that lesbian and gay relationships have their unique strengths and challenges compared to heterosexual couples. For example, how to navigate open relationships, how to express vulnerable emotions, and how to handle conflicts in nonmonogamous relationships. 

We are in a long-distance relationship. How can online couples therapy help?

Live video sessions, online couples therapy, or marriage counseling can conveniently help you to resolve relationship challenges. It offers more flexible and accessible options for couples in long-distance relationships, people who find it too much to commute, and couples with little children at home. In addition, online couples therapy has proven just as effective as in-person couples counseling.

Ready to build and strengthen your relationship?

Dr. June has specialty training in couples therapy and has helped many New Yorkers with issues in their relationships. She is experienced to work with couples to explore possibilities and improve your relationship. The couples therapy approaches we use include:

Contact us for a free 15-minute phone call. Whether you are married, cohabitating, dating, separated, or divorced, you deserve to get empowered with effective tools to move forward in your life.
