Chinese international students support group留学生心理健康互助小组

Chinese International Students Support Group中国留学生互助小组

  • Are you a Chinese international student?
  • Attempting to adjust to the U.S. culture, school life, identity, and anxiety with speaking English?
  • Facing challenges with student life and relationships?
  • Feeling lonely, homesick, difficult separating from family and friends in China?
  • Stressed about academic performance?
  • Overwhelmed because of perfectionism, procrastination, and social anxiety?
  • Concerned about anti-Asian hate, microaggression, sexism, racism, or discrimination?
  • Guilty about taking a break to relax because you “should have” been studying?
  • Worried about speaking in public, going on job interviews, or asking someone for a date?
  • Uneasy about F1 student visa, CPT, OPT, H1B, lottery, and green card?
  • Other mental health and self-care issues?
If your answer is “YES” to any or all of the above questions, then you are a very good fit for our International Students Support Group! 

How can the International Students Support Group Help me? 留学生互助小组可以帮我什么?

Chinese International Students Support Group is a place where

  • it is safe and comfortable for you to share, bond, support, and help each other;
  • you can learn practical tools to deal with different challenges during your time in the U.S. 
  • everyone can participate in group activities to practice social skills, be in a team, form group dynamics, and help each other to succeed;
  • you will reach your goals for exploration, understanding, insight, self-discovery, growth, compassion, and change you hope to happen;
It is proved that Chinese international students who have participated in our Support Group have felt
  • more confident,
  • less lonely,
  • fit in the group,
  • more connected with others,
  • better able to use practical tools to manage stress,
  • more mindful and relaxed in everyday life, and
  • empowered to deal with the challenges of every day life as an international student. 

What is Discussed in the Chinese International Support Group留学生互助小组讨论的内容

  • Adjustment to the new country;
  • Stress management; 
  • Homesickness and ways to better cope with it;  
  • Anxiety, negative thinking, and tools to reduce it;
  • Mindfulness and meditation;
  • Emotion regulation skills for wise mind;
  • Body image, eating, and self-care;
  • Dealing with anti-Asian hate, sexism, racism, discrimination, and microaggression;
  • Better preparation for exams, presentations, and interviews;
  • Procrastination and skills for time management;
  • Tools to manage perfectionism;
  • Balance between student life, personal and social life;
  • Managing stress with visa and green card;
  • Friendships and boundary setting;
  • Relationships, breakups, and dating; and
  • Sex, sexual identities, and empowerment.

Group Facilitators小组主持人

Our group facilitators are mental health counselors with a master’s degree. The supervisor is Dr. June, our head psychologist. Our facilitators are warm, understanding, compassionate, professional, and knowledgeable. We implement evidence-based therapy approaches such as CBT, DBT, ACT, and Mindfulness to better assist you to achieve your inner-peace, compassion and growth.

Registration for Chinese International Students Support Group如何参加留学生支持小组

FEE: we will file claims for you based on your insurance
STARTING: September 14, 2021
DAY: Weekly meetings
TIME: Every Thursday

PLACE: Online via Zoom 

Individual Psychotherapy Services为留学生提供中文心理咨询

If you are looking for starting therapy or counseling on an 1:1 basis, visit our website for more information on how therapy works, our therapists‘ profiles, or contact us directly. 

Understand and Overcome Perfectionism

how to overcome perfectionism

Do you find yourself criticizing yourself often? You only feel happy when you can complete a task perfectly? Ever feel what you do is never enough? Do you have to have total control over your personal and professional relationships? If your answer is yes to most of these questions, you may very well be dealing with perfectionism.

What Is Perfectionism?

Perfectionism is about the desire to achieve perfection, or refuse to accept any flaws. As much as it helps you to achieve your goals, it could be painful and shameful, especially because it often leads to self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. In fact, we all know someone who may be a perfectionist. Obviously they have impeccable grades, double check everything they work on, and will feel terrible if they could not compete a task in its best form. These all might sound like great qualities, but only if they are about healthy achievement and growth. 

The toxicity with perfectionism is not the desire for success, rather it is the avoidance of failure. Instead of being on a positive track, this type of thinking causes a negative orientation. In other words, fear takes over more than anything else. In reality, people who seek perfection rather than achievement actually end up being less productive. There is often a cloud of self-doubt and hesitation that comes with fear of making mistakes. Obviously this can be seriously harmful for your mental health as well as for achievements and success.

Signs Of Being A Perfectionist

Since the traits of being a perfectionist are quite common, it is important to distinguish being a high achiever from perfectionism. Identifying these traits can be useful to help motivate changing your mindset, environment, and drive towards success. Once you make that distinction, it will become easier to formulate a plan to adjust your mindset so that you are your happiest.

What a Perfectionist Looks Like

Typically a perfectionist always goes above and beyond the call of duty, and executes things to an nth degree. As a perfectionist, you obsess and overthink, dwell and stew on any tasks you work on. Also, there is nothing between 0 and 100 , that is, either you get it perfectly, or else is failure, including 99.

In general, these are some of the common traits a perfectionist exhibits: perfectionist

  • Being pushed by fear
  • Critical of oneself
  • Unrealistic standards
  • Procrastination
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depressed from unmet goals
  • Controlling in personal relationships

These factors can sometimes be seemingly positive. Although they can lead to persistence and diligence, they can cause a toxic mindset, and ultimately feelings of depression and anxiety. Being able to bring these traits into control is important to ensure a positive and well-oriented path to achieving your goals!

What a High Achiever Looks Like

Unlike a perfectionist, a high achiever can be satisfied with doing an excellent job despite of small mistakes or lessons. They are much less critical of themselves and of others than are a perfectionist. That is, they can accept the flawed self and make peace with themselves. In addition, a high achiever is able to bounce back fairly easily from disappointment, instead of beating themselves up, Overall, a high achiever is less likely to be fear driven to achieve their goals. 

What Causes Perfectionism?

Generally speaking, many different factors contribute to perfectionism. The overarching and most common facet is having unhealthy motivations and habits, especially when you try to achieve goals or avoid failures. It may also be more prevalent if you have had a bad experience of receiving criticism or “failing” a test or task. Wanting to avoid failure is not inherently negative; however, it is important to know that mistakes are okay and unavoidable in life. In addition, having low self-esteem can be one factor in wanting to achieve perfection. Self-critical people, on the other hand, may also avoid criticism from others.

Trying to deal with perfectionism becomes a harder task when you feel unable to speak to someone. When you’re reluctant to share your thoughts and feelings, it can feel a bit hopeless to try and change your mindset. It is hard to reveal your vulnerability to begin with, let alone the fear you might say the wrong thing or be seen as imperfect. By speaking to family members, friends, or a therapist, you can help to remind yourself that you are enough, and the job that you’re doing is enough. Especially when talking to people who are close to you and care for you, it can be an easier process to attain those positive reminders.

Dangers of Perfectionism

Some of the traits of being a perfectionist are seemingly positive things, such as being detail-oriented and having high standards. Although these ideas are facets of perfectionism, the real toxic aspects go deeper. For example, one may think that by caring about details and being scared of failure would lead to accomplishing many goals, and in a timely manner.

In reality, the focusing and obsession of details can lead to extreme procrastination. This can cause negative thoughts and feelings. When you focus on not failing, rather than accomplishing, you may want to avoid meeting a deadline. This is particularly the case when you feel that the task needs more efforts to achieve perfection. Instead of accomplishing things on a to-do list, a perfectionist will be more likely to delay the completion of a task in fear of imperfection. 

There is also the danger of focusing so much on the perfection of a task. As a result, the journey is no longer enjoyable. You may forget the beauty of working process towards a goal when you only focus on the perfect accomplishment. These habits can lead to countless feelings of self-doubt, which can really control your life. Overall, having some of these traits do not have to be negative, as long as they are healthy and in moderation.

Tips to Overcome Perfectionism

It can be difficult to try and find the best solutions when anxiety or negative thoughts come with perfectionism. Also, the best solutions work for others may not be ones that work for you. In fact, they should be well customized to what fits your needs. Here are some tips for dealing with perfectionism:

  • Set realistic standards for yourself.
  • Reward yourself for accomplishments, even when you feel they may be imperfect.
  • Remind yourself that people may not be paying as much attention to the details within your work, and are less likely to identify flaws.
  • Set strict time limits on your tasks.
  • Learn to cope and accept criticism.
  • Speak to people about how you feel, and remind yourself that you are 

We are Here to Help

Trying to overcome perfectionism can be a challenging process, but it can be achieved through using the right resources and adjusting your mindset in the way that works best for you. Speaking to a therapist can really help this process, especially because it leaves room in your schedule to really relieve everything building up in your mind. The most important thing to remember is that what you are doing is enough, and it can be helpful to repeat that as much as you need to!

If you are struggling with perfectionism and related anxiety, our psychotherapists in New York are here to help you. Give us a call free for 15 minutes. The therapists in our team will assist you in this journey of overcoming your perfectionism.

Special thanks to the contribution of our intern Tammy Krikheli

The Best Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Do you find yourself putting off day-to-day tasks? How often do you avoid doing the work that’s on your to-do list? Do you find yourself rushing before a deadline when you had days, or even weeks, to complete a task? You may be procrastinating and you are not alone. Procrastination is the thief of time and it steals from so many people. Simply look at the long line in any post office on the tax day, . 

Signs of Procrastination

What does procrastination mean? How do yo know you have procrastination? Below are typical signs:

  • Filling your day with low-priority tasks
  • Delaying important tasks on your to-do list
  • Beginning a task right before the due-date, when you had a lot of time in advance
  • Starting a task and immediately taking a break
  • Prioritizing tasks that seem “fun” instead of ones with high importance or close due dates
  • Waiting for the right mood to begin your to-do list
  • Shuffling your to-do list based on what you’ve accomplished by the end of the day

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the active process of choosing to delay tasks, especially while knowing that you will suffer as a result. Procrastination seems like a common thing people deal with every day, but it’s something that can interfere heavily with having a highly functional life. Putting off your tasks can result in having a heavy plate of duties and responsibilities piled up, and that can cause anybody a lot of anxiety, and even depressive thoughts. 

The core of procrastination

One of the main habits for people who procrastinate is having a long to-do list, checking off one or two items by the end of the day, and then shuffling it around as to move incomplete things to another day. In response to this, some people may say that it does not matter when the task gets done, as long as it gets done. But psychological researchers find a big issue with this, that is, they believe that if you shuffle tasks around based on what you did accomplish, it can cause real lack of progress. This is at the core of procrastination.

What does research say about procrastination?

In a study, researchers rated college students on procrastination and tracked their academic performance and general health. They found that initially, the students who procrastinated had lower levels of stress, since they swapped or put off tasks and assignments for more amusing activities. But in the end, they found that those same students performed worse academically, and reported higher levels of stress and illness. 

In the moment, procrastination may seem like the best answer to our solutions and a way for us to delay tasks that we don’t want to do in the moment. In the long term, doing this can result in even higher levels of stress than initially doing the tasks would have caused.

What Causes Procrastination?

The causes of procrastination could be related to many factors.

  • Perfectionism. 
  • Lack of motivation
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of criticism or negative feedback
  • Self-defeat tendency
  • Abstract or poorly defined goals
  • Rewards but in the far future
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Low self-esteem
  • Task aversion

To better manage procrastination, you need to learn why you procrastinate and how it affects you. Understanding the psychology of procrastination helps you to improve awareness of deeper issues rather than simply say improve your self-control. Many psychologists have found that procrastination has less to do with time management. Rather, it is about delaying a task while knowing the consequences of doing so. It can definitely help to use time in your schedule wisely to accomplish your tasks or assignments; however, a large focus should also be on managing emotions. This way, you can ensure that you are doing the things that work best for you

How to Overcome Procrastination?

Everyone has their own list of things that motivates them and allows them to be productive. therefore, you should make sure that what you’re doing works best for you specifically, even though they may not work for someone else. For one person, listening to music while trying to write an essay can be extremely helpful and allows them to focus. For others, complete silence may be the best way to tune into a single task. Try to experiment with new things every now and then to see what works best, and don’t get discouraged if one doesn’t work!procrastination

These are tips you can try for if you want to stop procrastination:

Making prioritized to-do lists.

Actually the to-do list is a to-do today list. It is preferable to make sure the most important tasks are done first. 

Creating an organized and effective personalized schedule

Create a schedule for what works best for you. In other words, have a spreadsheet of daily activity schedule,.The schedule should focus on specific tasks on each day. Better yet, highlight those you have accomplished for reward later.

Start with a small step.

When you start with a small step, it is easier for yourself to get over the initial hurdle of actually getting started. It is more likely to feel accomplished and more motivated to continue the rest of the task.

Don’t be afraid of imperfection 

Many people avoid or delay tasks when they either doubt their abilities or want to achieve perfection. It is important to understand that perfection actually does not exist in this world. To stop perfectionism, one way is to face the worst case scenario and figure out your solution; another is to adjust your standards to be more realistic; still other ways include self-talk strategies to 

Try to improve decision-making skills

You will likely put off a task if you cannot decide what to do, in fear of making the wrong decision. 

Commit to a task

When you leave too much time for a task, it is very likely that you will be distracted and procrastinate; By the same token, leaving too little time has similar effects, that is, too much stress to complete a task could lead to procrastination as well. Therefore, leave the right amount of time for a task. This way, when you start, you can finish it in a timely manner.

Split large tasks into smaller ones.

Large and difficult tasks could cause avoidance because it literarily suggests you should get it all done in one shot. Apparently that  is impossible, and hence stressful. When you can break the bigger tasks up, it helps to decrease that aversion. More specifically, each task should take no more than 60 minutes to complete.

Set up a reward.

Positive reinforcement helps with motivation. Once you finish a task, you can have your favorite ice cream or go out with friends.

Give yourself immediate consequences of procrastination.

Late consequences do not usually motivate people enough; however, it could be very different when you set immediate consequences. It becomes the earlier deadline and for example, the consequences could be your partner keep all your money to themselves if you do not finish your paper on that day.  

Have a procrastination buddy

You and a friend can support and check-up on each other to make sure you’re being productive! When you hold each other accountable, chances are you do not want to procrastinate and look bad in front of your friend.

How Can Therapy Help to Manage Procrastination?

Finding ways to stop procrastination can be an exhausting and challenging process, especially when you do it alone. Having a therapist can help you leave time in your week to talk about your personal challenges, such as doing your tasks. Better yet, you can even dedicate time to figure out a plan that works best for you. 

Taking care of your mental health can also be a big factor in the way you deal with prioritizing responsibilities. In particular, talking to a therapist can help you to figure out not only what works best for you but what allows you to be the most productive. In addition, therapy can help you to improve thinking patterns, adjust your mindset, and release emotions. More importantly, therapy can assist you to change procrastination and the way you prioritize the tasks in your schedule. 

If you are a student, finding counseling or wellness services in your school or on campus can also be beneficial for providing support. Besides, they can point you to other important resources. For others, there are different groups, support, buddy programs, and counseling services that can assist you to achieve your goal of reducing procrastination.

We Are Here to Help

If you find yourself procrastinating, plus, it has been interfering with your productivity and mental health, we are always here to help. Our procrastination specialists in New York provide therapy and counseling to ensure that you have the support you need. Our psychotherapists can offer psychological services in different languages, such as Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and English. At the same time, we have a wealth of experience to deal with various challenges.  

For international students, we adopt the most favorable policy to help you declare insurance and alleviate your worries. Give us a call, the first 15 minutes are free or make an appointment for online counseling . Please let us help you through the difficulties together and welcome a more promising tomorrow.

Special thanks to the contribution of our intern Tammy Krikheli

Being Called A Control Freak? How To Deal With Control Issue?

During this pandemic, the time of uncertainty, stress is accumulating so quickly that sometimes you get anxiety or even panic. To cope with the current stressors, it is important to reflect on how and what you pay attention to every day. If anything is certain in life, it is the fact that things will happen beyond your control; however, some people may be often labelled as “control freak”, those who focus on and try to change things that they cannot control. Consequently, some may ask the questions such as “Do I have control issues?” “How to deal with a control freak?” or ” How to stop being a control freak?” 

Different Types of Control Issues

You may attempt to control yourself, others, and environment. Typically when you try to exert excessive power over yourself and the environment, different mental health issues could develop, for example, eating disorders,  obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors in cleaning and exercising, and self-harm behaviors.

When you attempt to control others in a relationship, at home, or at work, it could manifest in signs of gaslighting, stalking, micromanagement, bullying or abusive behaviors, manipulation, chronic lying, and overprotective or helicopter parents.

In fact, individuals with control issues could be associated with stress, anxiety in various forms such as OCD, depression, addiction, and other mental health struggles.

It can be instinctual to focus your thoughts and attention on things that you cannot control. But it is not always helpful and it does not change the outcome. Instead, you can consider making  minor changes to get you out of this endless cycle.

Differentiate Between What You Can Control and What You Cannot.

List on paper what you can and what you cannot control, remind yourself often when you need a reality check to reduce frustration and anxiety. Here are some examples of “can” and “cannot” control:

  • You can control your input, but you cannot control the outcome of our efforts; 
  • You can control how to manage your time, but you cannot control the passage of time;
  • You can control how you look at yourself, but you cannot control what other people think of us;
  • You can control what you try to do, but you cannot control what other people do;
  • You can control your perceptions of what happens, but you cannot control what happens around us.

Identify Sources of Control Issues

In order to address control issues, it is important to identify the nature and sources of the need to control. It may be commonly related to need for self-protection, unresolved childhood issues, underlying anxiety, fear of abandonment, trauma, emotional sensitivity, low self-esteem, and perfectionism. Recognizing such sources could help you to improve awareness of the issue and focus on more acceptance of self, others, and the world.

Shift Attention to What You Can Control

By shifting your attention to the aspects that you can control, it means to change your attitudes, thoughts, or perspectives. For example, you can use mindfulness to manage your anxious thoughts and feelings, learn CBT techniques such as thought records to stop and reframe negative thoughts, practice ACT to make peace with some obsessive thoughts. Therefore, all of these techniques can become what you learn to change your perspectives and improve your mental health.

Let Go of Your Control 

Letting go of controlling behaviors requires acceptance, that is, allowing yourself to accept the negative feelings without judgment, making helpful adjustments to the present moment, and regain that sense of peace and calmness. By developing this practice, you learn to let go and refocus our energy on things you can change.

Truth be told, it is absolutely okay that you can’t control every aspect of your life. As a matter of fact, who can really predict the future? such as the exact circumstances, outcomes,  what situations would make you eventually happy? Besides, when you fixate on trying to create a certain outcome, it is very likely that you get narrow-minded and totally closed off to other opportunities.  

Beauty of Letting Go

Actually the beauty in letting go your control lies in more creative ideas and innovative solutions. During a flash of creative insight, your brain switches into a distinctive mode in which you allow your subconscious mind to go to work. In other words, this subconscious mind can help you to process vast amounts of information more efficiently. Hence, the Aha moments could be more likely to come.

There is suffering, and then there is thriving. Life is full of struggles and hardships, but by letting go, it could let us live a more meaningful life.  May we find the strength to re-experience the world.

Contact us to start your healing journey to let go your control. Our therapists in New York will assist you to get the insight and practice skills to manage your anxiety and still find your power to live a meaningful life.