Chinese international students support group留学生心理健康互助小组

Chinese International Students Support Group中国留学生互助小组

  • Are you a Chinese international student?
  • Attempting to adjust to the U.S. culture, school life, identity, and anxiety with speaking English?
  • Facing challenges with student life and relationships?
  • Feeling lonely, homesick, difficult separating from family and friends in China?
  • Stressed about academic performance?
  • Overwhelmed because of perfectionism, procrastination, and social anxiety?
  • Concerned about anti-Asian hate, microaggression, sexism, racism, or discrimination?
  • Guilty about taking a break to relax because you “should have” been studying?
  • Worried about speaking in public, going on job interviews, or asking someone for a date?
  • Uneasy about F1 student visa, CPT, OPT, H1B, lottery, and green card?
  • Other mental health and self-care issues?
If your answer is “YES” to any or all of the above questions, then you are a very good fit for our International Students Support Group! 

How can the International Students Support Group Help me? 留学生互助小组可以帮我什么?

Chinese International Students Support Group is a place where

  • it is safe and comfortable for you to share, bond, support, and help each other;
  • you can learn practical tools to deal with different challenges during your time in the U.S. 
  • everyone can participate in group activities to practice social skills, be in a team, form group dynamics, and help each other to succeed;
  • you will reach your goals for exploration, understanding, insight, self-discovery, growth, compassion, and change you hope to happen;
It is proved that Chinese international students who have participated in our Support Group have felt
  • more confident,
  • less lonely,
  • fit in the group,
  • more connected with others,
  • better able to use practical tools to manage stress,
  • more mindful and relaxed in everyday life, and
  • empowered to deal with the challenges of every day life as an international student. 

What is Discussed in the Chinese International Support Group留学生互助小组讨论的内容

  • Adjustment to the new country;
  • Stress management; 
  • Homesickness and ways to better cope with it;  
  • Anxiety, negative thinking, and tools to reduce it;
  • Mindfulness and meditation;
  • Emotion regulation skills for wise mind;
  • Body image, eating, and self-care;
  • Dealing with anti-Asian hate, sexism, racism, discrimination, and microaggression;
  • Better preparation for exams, presentations, and interviews;
  • Procrastination and skills for time management;
  • Tools to manage perfectionism;
  • Balance between student life, personal and social life;
  • Managing stress with visa and green card;
  • Friendships and boundary setting;
  • Relationships, breakups, and dating; and
  • Sex, sexual identities, and empowerment.

Group Facilitators小组主持人

Our group facilitators are mental health counselors with a master’s degree. The supervisor is Dr. June, our head psychologist. Our facilitators are warm, understanding, compassionate, professional, and knowledgeable. We implement evidence-based therapy approaches such as CBT, DBT, ACT, and Mindfulness to better assist you to achieve your inner-peace, compassion and growth.

Registration for Chinese International Students Support Group如何参加留学生支持小组

FEE: we will file claims for you based on your insurance
STARTING: September 14, 2021
DAY: Weekly meetings
TIME: Every Thursday

PLACE: Online via Zoom 

Individual Psychotherapy Services为留学生提供中文心理咨询

If you are looking for starting therapy or counseling on an 1:1 basis, visit our website for more information on how therapy works, our therapists‘ profiles, or contact us directly. 

Asian Women Support Each Other

asian women group

Asian Women Support Group: Women Help Women

  • How doe it feel to be an Asian woman in American society?
  • Have you ever struggled because of your race, ethnicity, gender, and cultural identity?
  • How do you handle work and personal life at the same time?
  • How do you feel safe and comfortable in relationships?

We are going to create a fantastic group to discuss all these issues that concern you. Let’s get together and support each other!

  • 作为一个亚裔女性是一种怎样的体验?
  • 你是否曾经因为自己的种族或者性别在工作场合遭受歧视或不公?
  • 工作和生活之间如何获得平衡?
  • 你是否在亲密关系中感到安全和舒适?


Session Content

Session 1: Intro, As an Asian Woman in the States

How does our racial identity shape who we are?

Discrimination & Microaggressions

Session 2: Women in Working Places

Session 3: Multiple Roles We play Vs Self-image

Session 4: Emotions

How do negative emotions make positive impact on us?

Cope with stress and anger

Session 5: Eating and Body Positivity

Session 6: Self-compassion

What’s self-compassion?

Create your inner coping strategies

Session 7: Relationships with Original Family

Attachment & differentiation

Session 8: Relationships

What’s love? (Triangle theory of love)

Define intimacy

Session 9: Identify what makes romantic relationships succeed

Session 10: Boundaries in Relationships

Session 11: Communication in intimate relationships

Session 12: Inner Child

A letter to your inner child

Session 13: Create our own by discussion

亚洲女性支持小组:Women Help Women

Session 1: 介绍,在美国社会作为一个亚裔女性是一种怎样的体验?



Session 2:职场压力

Session 3: 我们扮演的多种角色 Vs 自我形象

Session 4:认识我们的情绪


Session 5:饮食和外貌焦虑

Session 6 : 自我关怀



Session 7 : 原生家庭


Session 8: 亲密关系



Session 9 : 亲密关系成功的因素

Session 10:亲密关系中的边界

Session 11: 沟通在亲密关系中的作用

Session 12 : 你的内在小孩


Session 13 :和小组成员共同制定

Asian Women Support Group: Girls Help Girls

Population: English speaking, women under 30

Session 1: Intro, As an Asian Woman in the States

How does our racial identity shape who we are?

Discrimination & Microaggressions

Session 2: Gender Bias

Sexuality Vs Gender

Session 3: Multiple Roles We play Vs Self-image

Session 4: Emotions

How do negative emotions make positive impact on us?

Cope with stress and anger

Session 5: Eating and Body Positivity

Session 6: Self-compassion

What’s self-compassion?

Create your inner coping strategies

Session 7: Relationships with Original Family

Attachment & differentiation

Session 8: Relationships

What’s love? (Triangle theory of love)

Define intimacy

Session 9: Identify what makes romantic relationships succeed

Session 10: Boundaries in Relationships

Session 11: Communication in intimate relationships

Session 12: Inner Child

A letter to your inner child

Session 13: Create our own by discussion

亚洲女性支持小组:Girls Help Girls (妹妹组)


Session 1: 介绍,在美国社会作为一个亚裔女性是一种怎样的体验?



Session 2:性别偏见

Session 3: 我们扮演的多种角色 Vs 自我形象

Session 4:认识我们的情绪


Session 5:饮食和外貌焦虑

Session 6 : 自我关怀



Session 7 : 原生家庭


Session 8: 亲密关系



Session 9 : 亲密关系成功的因素

Session 10:亲密关系中的边界

Session 11: 沟通在亲密关系中的作用

Session 12 : 你的内在小孩


Session 13 :和小组成员共同制定

COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely, isolated, and/or frustrated? It is hard not to when you cannot socialize with your family and friends, when you lost your loved ones from COVID and sadness often wakes you up at night, when you have to face issues of work, family, relationships, and mental health.

We are here for you. Our COVID-19 Virtue Support Group is a source to help you to thrive in this particular tough time! We are here to listen, to support, encourage, and provide guidance. Our group is a safe and confidential place for you to find people with common experiences and concerns, to help each other to form a community, and to have a better understanding with knowledge and skills.

Our virtue group takes advantage of online services via Zoom, makes it convenient for you to be in a comfortable place such as your home, office, car, or a private place wherever you are. Zoom is a free app that is HIPAA compliant and promises your confidentiality. You can use your computer, laptop, tablet, or your phone to connect with our group.

Starting August 15th, the group will meet every Saturday from 3:30pm-4:30pm. Our therapists Baiqian Zhang and Sally Chen will co-facilitate the group. If you are interested, please fill out our Google form. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our group facilitator Baiqian at